
Rock the Vote...but not your bed

Prostitution has finally reached a new level! Before, sex was exchanged for money or drugs. Now it can seen as an honorable, intelligent practice; it's being used to push political agendas:

This is propaganda at its finest; it's pretty much sitting on the border of brainwash. The ad is so brazen, I honestly thought it was a joke. But it's for reals, y'all. Not down with ObamaCare? Not only are you racist, but you're not getting any. Loser.

The funny thing is there is no vote to rock. The health care bill has already been passed by Congress (though it hasn't actually been written yet). They're just trying to get everyone's blessing so people won't raise hell when they realize half of their paycheck is gone. But why all the hardcore lobbying? I believe the harder you sell, the shittier the product. And that's probably what our new health care system is going to be: a super shitty as-seen-on-TV product with no refunds or exchanges. And it's not only 3 easy payments of $19.99.

And isn't the point of educating yourself is to learn all the facts and make your OWN decision based on that? Well according to the peeps at Rock the Vote, "education" means to agree with whatever they think. If you have read all the facts and still disagree with them, not only are you a racist virgin, but you're also stupid.

I have to admit, the no-nookie tactic can be pretty effective. Withholding sex has been used by women for years to get what they want. But now His Majesty is encouraging humans to use the power of manipulation for his gain. His target audience: people ages 18-30, aka the "people most affected by health care" (funny, I thought it would be old people and children). Why? Is it because we're the largest demographic in the work force? Is it because after Obama's campaign we have a newfound interest in politics? Perhaps it's because "those who have youth on their side control the future".

That last quote was from Adolf Hitler.

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